Marketing Leaders
How will you grow if your product and service pipeline is dry?
The SIT Method gives you a repeatable way to create organic growth. Quit relying on market share gains and acquisitions to cover the gaps! Take charge of your pipeline.
There Are No Black and White Answers
Successful Marketers Have Pipelines Flowing With New Products and Services
Right after delivering quarterly business results, the pressure is on immediately to create the next big growth opportunity.
It’s critical that your brands innovate to stay competitive externally as well as…internally.
Your company has choices within its portfolio that it can invest in. If you can’t show your pipeline will deliver higher growth than other investments, your brand’s share of the budget will start shrinking.
The solution for enabling a creative and innovative culture is to use patterns.
For thousands of years, innovators have used patterns in their inventions, usually without realizing it. These patterns can regulate your thinking and channel your ideation so that you produce amazing and completely unexpected ideas in a systematic way.
Creating New Ideas Depends on
One Thing: Patterns
For thousands of years, innovators have used SIT patterns in their inventions, usually without realizing it. These patterns are embedded into the products and services you see around you every day. Think of these patterns as the DNA of a product or service.
Creativity and Innovation Actually Live Inside the Box
Drew can help bring it out.
Live Speaking
Motivate Your Team to Think Differently
Virtual Speaking
Engage your team with interactive creativity training
LinkedIn Learning
Supplement Your Learning and Development
Episode 070: Does Brainstorming Work? Compared to What?
Brainstorming. We’ve talked about it here on the podcast before. Regular listeners will likely remember that I’m not a big fan. However, today I want to share insights on brainstorming from someone besides me. Mark McGuinness is a fellow author and podcaster. He...