by Drew Boyd | Jun 4, 2013 | Attribute Dependency, Consultants, Creativity Tools, Design Thinking, Evaluation Ideas, Idea Generation, Innovation Clusters, Innovation Method, Inside the Box Innovation, Jacob Goldenberg, The Wheel
Next week, Jacob Goldenberg and I will launch our new book, Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results. It is the first book to detail the innovation method called Systematic Inventive Thinking, the subject of this blog for the last six...
by Drew Boyd | May 20, 2013 | Advertising Tools, Culture of Innovation, Evaluation Ideas, Innovation Clusters
The Subtraction tool works by removing elements generally considered essential to the situation. The tool can be used in any marketing communications medium (television, print, and so on). The tool works by drawing your attention to the missing...
by Drew Boyd | Apr 29, 2013 | Consultants, Creativity Tools, Design Thinking, Evaluation Ideas, Innovation Clusters, Inside the Box Innovation, Jacob Goldenberg, Kickstarter
Systematic Inventive Thinking is not only for inventing new products and services. You can apply it to a variety of functions and processes. SIT is based on the idea that mankind has used distinct patterns when creating new solutions or innovations. These patterns are...
by Drew Boyd | Jun 25, 2012 | Attribute Dependency, Consultants, Creativity Tools, Design Thinking, Innovation Clusters, Technology
According the Center for the Future of Museums, many non-profit museums in this country are struggling from a broken economic model. Attendance and memberships are declining as consumers are given more choices of how to spend their time. To attract more, museums need...
by Drew Boyd | Mar 26, 2012 | Attribute Dependency, Consultants, Creativity Tools, Design Thinking, Innovation Clusters, Jacob Goldenberg, Technology
Hewlett Packard’s announcement that it’s combining its PC and printer divisions is meeting skepticism. Larry Dignan, editor-in-chief of ZDNet, had this to say: “Hewlett-Packard says it’s combining its printer and PC divisions partially because...
by Drew Boyd | Feb 27, 2012 | Consultants, Creativity Tools, Design Thinking, Innovation Clusters, Jacob Goldenberg, Pinterest, Technology
Twitter continues to evolve with some 220 million users tweeting collectively 250 million times a day. It is a vast social network that has become the world’s “listening post” for events happening everywhere. Major news organizations rely on Twitter...