Episode 077: Outside Versus Inside the Box – Which Thinking Approach is Most Important to Your Success?

by | Jan 31, 2022 | Inside the Box Innovation, Podcast | 0 comments

Have you ever heard of divergent and convergent thinking?

In the world of creativity, these two terms come up quite often. They are different thinking abilities that are utilized in innovation. The question is, which one is more important and effective when it comes to creative ability?

In this episode, I answer that question. I also dive into a more thorough explanation of what both convergent and divergent thinking are. Tune in to learn all about it!

In this episode you’ll hear:

  1. A quick quiz that tests your ability to think outside the box.
  2. What divergent thinking is.
  3. Why brainstorming doesn’t work.
  4. What convergent thinking is.
  5. Why you don’t need divergent ability.
  6. Tools that will take care of divergent ideas for you.
  7. Why it’s easier to find the benefit of a divergent idea than come up with the idea yourself.

Resources from this episode:

Downloadable scorecard to rate your idea